Ssush23: Post War Politicsus History

5/18: 1st, 2nd, 7th
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5/22: 3rd, 4th (early release)

Terrorism, War, and Bush 43: Crash Course US History #46 The Clinton Years, or the 1990s: Crash Course US History #45 George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War: Crash Course US History #44. McCarthy, who was anti-war, challenged the assumption that the U.S. Should remain in the war. Meanwhile, several thousand anti-war protesters who supported McCarthy and the U.S. Withdrawal of troops from Vietnam began to gather together on the streets of Chicago. The riot sparked a large-scale change in the American view of the Vietnam War. Describe the political impact of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; include the impact on civil rights legislation: On the day of November 22, 1963 people lined the streets to get a look at the president, as the presidential car pulled onto Dealey Plaza shots were fired and JFK was shot twice in the neck and head. Reconstruction, the turbulent era following the U.S. Civil War, was an effort to reunify the divided nation, address and integrate African Americans into society by rewriting the nation's laws. SSUSH23 The student will describe and assess the impact of political developments between 1945 and 1970.


SSUSH20 Analyze and domestic policies including their influences on technologicaladvancements and social changes during the Truman and Eisenhoweradministrations.

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a.Analyze theinternational policies and actions developed as a response to the Cold War
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·Marshall Plan
·Korean War
b.Connect major domestic issues to their socialeffects
·Truman’s integration policies
·National Interstate and Defense Highways Act
·U.S. technological innovations and education (Sputnik I)
SSUSH21 Analyze and domestic policies including their influences on technologicaladvancements and social changes during the Kennedy and Johnsonadministrations
a.Analyze theinternational policies and actions taken as a response to the Cold War
·Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

b.Connectmajor domestic issues to their social effects
·Johnson’s Great Society
c.Describe the impact of television on American culture
·news coverage of the Civil Rights Movement
·war in Vietnam
d.Investigate civil rights groups
·Letter from Birmingham Jail
·Cesar Chavez
e.Describe the turmoil of 1968
·assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
·Presidential Election
SSUSH22 Analyze and domestic policies including their influences on technologicaladvancements and social changes during the Nixon, Ford, and Carteradministrations.
a.Analyze theinternational policies and actions taken as a response to the Cold War
·opening of and establishment of diplomatic relationswith China
·War Powers Act
·Carter’s response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution andhostage crisis

Ssush23: Post War Politicususa History Definition

b.Connectmajor domestic issues to their social effects
·emergence of the National Organization for Women
·pardon by Ford
SSUSH23 Assess thepolitical, economic, and technological changes during the Reagan, GeorgeH.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obamaadministrations.
a.Analyzechallenges faced by recent presidents
·Clinton’s impeachment
·war against terrorism

Ssush23: Post War Politicususa History Channel

b.Examineeconomic policies of recent presidents

c.Examine theinfluence of technological changes on society

d.Examine the historic nature of thepresidential election of 2008

A far-right extremist has been sentenced to life in jail for an attack on a German synagogue on the most holy day of the Jewish calendar.

Stephan Balliet, 28, was convicted of two counts of murder and 66 counts of attempted murder, bodily harm and incitement, after the shooting in Halle, eastern Germany, on 9 October 2019.

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He tried to shoot his way into the synagogue's Yom Kippur morning prayer service, but couldn't open the heavy doors, his trial heard.

Streaming the attack live on an online gaming site, he then killed a 40-year-old woman in the street outside and went to a nearby kebab shop where he killed a 20-year-old man and wounded several others.

Judges at Naumburg state court, which sat in the state capital of Magdeburg instead for 'security and capacity reasons', found him 'seriously culpable'.


This means his life sentence will be at least 15 years in prison, as he will be ineligible for early release.

Judge Ursula Mertens described it as a 'cowardly attack', considered to be one of the worst anti-Semitic incidents in Germany's post-war history.

More from Germany

Balliet, who had posted neo-Nazi material online before the atrocity, had already said he wanted to kill all 51 people inside the synagogue.

He apologised for murdering one of his victims, claiming: 'I didn't want to kill whites.'

The 28-year-old has been on trial since July and wore a face mask as he was sentenced.

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He gave no emotional reaction but did write notes.


German authorities have vowed to step up measures against far-right extremism following the Halle attack, the killing of a regional politician by a suspected neo-Nazi and the fatal shooting of nine people of immigrant backgrounds in Hanau - all within the space of a year.