Starcraft 1 Download For Linux Pc

  • PC/Mac/Linux Society; StarCraft Computer A.I. Difficulty This topic is locked from further discussion.
  • Download link: can also download the full game directly from Blizzard here: (Requires Battle.Net launcher and Blizzard ac.

Interestingly, this is a newly patched version of StarCraft (1.18), the first patch the game has seen in over eight years. You can get a full rundown of the updates in this post on Blizzard's.

Many users have tried running SC:BW on Linux with different combinations of distros and versions. This is a compilation of solutions that could help you with some problems.

  • 2BUGS

Normal Installation[edit]

Use any wine version to install your SC:BW, obtained on your account. Your game should be able to run in some setups; if it runs, just update the game entering multiplayer before the next steps.


Starcraft 1 Download For Linux Pc

Black screen after running[edit]

You could change your drivers to proprietary (not recommended), run the game on windowed mode with ChaosLauncher or try a different wine version. Refer to the bug below.


Because of the method SC:BW draws the screen, wine becomes a little confused. The buttons could be missing, text could be overwritten on the same place without cleaning the previous text, the font could be blocky.
There is some discussion here about possible causes. One solution is to run the game via ChaosLauncher with the window mode plugin, but this is not enough if you want to run the game on fullscreen.There are some patches that people submitted to solve this bug, but compiling may be a bit tricky. A quicker way to use them is to download PlayOnLinux. This program can provide you a wine version that has this fixed, probably with one of these patches. After installing, go to Tools>Manage Wine Versions. Install version 1.5.1-Starcraft_battlenet; it should be installed on ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.5.1-Starcraft_battlenet/bin/wine. Remember this path, as you will have to call it when running this specific wine version.

download free, software install hwclock centos. Install the fake-hwclock program: # apt-get install fake-hwclock fake-hwclock: Save/restore system clock on machines without working RTC hardware Some machines don't have a working realtime clock (RTC) unit, or no driver for the hardware that does exist. Fake-hwclock is a simple set of scripts to save the kernel's current clock periodically (including at shutdown) and restore it at boot so.

Starcraft 1 download pc

Another useful thing is to download some Windows fonts. On your console:


$ wget

$ chmod +x winetricks

$ sh winetricks corefonts

This should solve this bug. Now, to run SC:BW, remember to call wine from the 1.5.1 path:

$ ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.5.1-Starcraft_battlenet/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/StarCraft/StarCraft.exe

Keyboard stuck[edit]

Some users experienced a bug that makes your keyboard unresponsive after creating a new multiplayer game. This could be caused by the window losing focus and the keyboard inputs going straight to console.

You can circunvent this bug by running the game on a separate X server, so that the window never loses focus:

$ xinit ~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.5.1-Starcraft_battlenet/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/StarCraft/StarCraft.exe -- :1

You can go back to your desktop using Ctrl+Alt+F1~F8.

Wrong aspect ratio[edit]

When running on a widescreen monitor, your video driver could be stretching the image to fill the entire screen. If you use an open-source driver (intel, nouveau, radeon), run this on terminal (you should replace --output HDMI-4 with your connected display; check with xrandr --prop):

$ xrandr --output HDMI-4 --set 'scaling mode' 'Full aspect'

If you use proprietary drivers, there should be an option on your video configuration manager. Enable fixed aspect ratio.

No sound when running on a separate X server[edit]

You must add your current user to the audio group:

$ sudo adduser _username_ audio
Also, you should relog with your user for the change to take effect.

StarCraft II, Blizzard's massively successful real-time strategy game, has just received its newest patch in the form of update 1.3.0, which, like always, brings a huge amount of small changes, improvements and fixes to the popular title.

Blizzard has been taking care of StarCraft 2 since its release, launching an impressive number of patches designed to improve balancing and fix any underlying issues with the strategy game.

Now, patch 1.3.0 is live on the company's Battle.Net online service, bringing a huge amount of changes, both for its gameplay, its menu system as well as the special editor which can be used to customize your StarCraft II experiences.

Check out some of the most important bugfixes included in update 1.3.0 for StarCraft II below.

Achievements -Fixed a bug where players were not receiving 'Wings Of Liberty: Hard' and 'Wings Of Liberty: Brutal' achievements after completing the appropriate number of missions.

Download Starcraft 1 a bug where some Bronze players weren't gaining enough points for wins and were losing too many points for losses.


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-StarCraft II will continue running if corrupt textures/models/sounds are encountered.-Conversation skipping and trigger skipping now share the same hotkey.-The notification that a player left the game during a paused game is no longer delayed until the game is unpaused.-Cheat codes now only accept official names.-Unit response sounds are now updated immediately when the selection changes.-Unit death will no longer show units on the other side of line of sight blockers that weren’t already visible.-Units ordered to load into a transport now follow the transport if the transport fills up and they have no other orders.-Units inside a Bunker no longer disappear if the bunker is destroyed and surrounded by Force Fields.-Units can now be revived multiple times.-Hero buttons are now displayed while a hero is dead if they are revivable. Clicking on the button while a hero is dead will either select the building reviving it or cycle between buildings that can.-Revivable abilities now show revivable units all the time. If they cannot currently be revived, the buttons are shown disabled.-The revive ability now works with multiple dead units.-Revived units now properly dispatch a trigger event when killed again.-Added additional information to unit tooltips in the tech trees.-Fixed an issue with not being able to land where you just lifted off if there was a nearby unit.-Fixed an issue where you could push Hold Position units by Move/Hold Position spamming.-Fixed an issue to prevent Force Fields from pushing units during construction.-Fixed an issue with creep destroying more foliage than it should, and made foliage destruction by creep faster.-Fixed an issue with custom global hotkeys in grid profiles overlapping with unit command buttons.-Fixed an issue placing Terran add-on buildings when multiple buildings were selected.You can check out the complete list of changes included in update 1.3.0 right here.

The new patch will be automatically downloaded and applied to your copy of StarCraft II the next time you start it up.

Blizzard wants to add more new features in the near future to the game, with the most important being the special Marketplace, which will allow gamers to share and market their own custom creations made with the StarCraft II editor.